4:56 PM

Dictionary System...?

Today Chinese Composition..
The Title is ...《令人回味无穷的小学求学生涯》
Copy from Rui blog de ...since my noob pc cant write chinese...
Today wad to write...
So simply write simply write...
(if i get 4-5 i belanja a drink for everyone )
So write the pingpong n the go-wrong-toilet event...
Of coz the go-wrong-toilet is given by teacher as f.o.c...
( Teacher come near us then say...no isi aaa?...write go-wrong-toilet laa)
thanks god n thanks bm teacher...

Then of coz many many word i dunno
So i ask seow voon...
Seow voon dunno
so she ask Vv Wong..
vv Wong dunno...
So she ask Rui...

So a well-done dictionary system !!!
pro leh...